Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We All Have Needs

Consider this entry the equivalent of blog “Homeroom”.  I won’t do this very often- I promise- but I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for choosing to read “I WILL REGRET THIS LATER”.  I know there is a lot of competition out there and I know what they have to offer, so your kindness, support and attention are very much appreciated. 

I never thought I would be the type of person that would write a blog (assuming that they are all basement dwelling mouth-breathers), but the freedom that it offers me to express my opinions about the past, present and future has proved very rewarding.  As you may have noticed, I have been working to continually refresh my page with new content during the past weeks and look forward to doing so again in the coming months.  

Given my profession, I have naturally been thinking about the blog’s potential audience and marketability.  I have always been very self-aware, but gauging the scope of my writing was never a skill that I needed to develop. 

Which is where you come in.  (You knew I was going to ask you for something…)

While I could happily sit around like a fat lump and wait for my readership to grow organically, I would rather take a more proactive stance.  If you’re reading my blog because you’re afraid that I’ll stop talking to you if you don’t, you’re probably right- so keep reading it.  However, if you enjoy reading my blog and you think that you have a friend or two that would enjoy it as well, send them my way.  It could be as easy as posting a link on their facebook page or cutting letters out of a magazine and gluing them to construction paper to reconstruct my latest entry.  Think of this act as a form of cyber-baptism where my words wash their feet and we all dance together in the greenest part of heaven.   

Look, even if there are only 5 people that give a shit about what I’m writing, I’m going to keep putting it out for them to enjoy.  Just be aware that I am not without ego and, should the aforementioned scenario become legitimized and I only have 5 readers, I will have to become a basement dweller in a studio apartment in Sunnyside, Queens before I ultimately pass myself away.  

Please don't let that happen.  

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